what we do


Protecting your familys finances from the unexpected

We add value by helping you to understand the cover that you already have in place and then crash testing that cover to see what would happen in the event of an accident. In simple terms – we provide our clients with the peace of mind that their future plans will not crumble completely in the event of loss of income.

You are likely to already have some protection in place for your mortgage so that if you die the mortgage will be repaid and your spouse or partner can at least own a house debt free, but there are some other important considerations.

Most of our clients come to us in good health with a regular income. This income is the very foundation of everything that you have. Without it your lifestyle will simply never be the same.

Fortunately it is rare that somebody loses this income through death, and yet it is much more likely that you will suffer an unexpected illness. This is where Critical Illness cover can often provide protection against diagnosis of a specified illness. The money could be used to clear debts or a mortgage or provide important medical treatment.

The next stage is long term illness. What was sudden and unexpected now often becomes longer term as doctors work hard to return you to full health and this is where Income Protection can provide valuable help.

Finally, death is inevitable for us all eventually, but having life cover without any form of health protection is a bit like having a car with an airbag but no seat belt.

Let’s talk

Book a free initial conversation with one of our friendly team.


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